I mentioned two or three objections that I have to Christianity, but there are actually dozens of reasons that led me away from the Christian religion. Here are my TOP TEN reasons why no thinking person should be a Christian:
1. Jesus and Paul taught the doctrine of eternal damnation in hell.
2. Jesus worshipped Jehovah.
Jehovah approved of genocide and wars of aggression.
Jehovah approved of slavery and sexism.
Jehovah approved of intolerance and totalitarianism.
3. The Bible is inconsistent and unclear on issues of morality.
4. The Bible is inconsistent and unclear on issues of salvation.
5. The Bible contains assumptions and claims that reflect ignorance and superstition.
6. The teachings and beliefs of Jesus are unclear (even assuming the reliability of the gospels).
7. The gospel accounts of the life of Jesus are inconsistent and unreliable.
8. The gospel accounts of the beliefs and teachings of Jesus are inconsistent and unreliable.
9. The teachings of Paul go well beyond the teachings of Jesus.
10. Paul was not a disciple of Jesus, and he appears to be ignorant of key facts about the ministry and teachings of Jesus.