by Norman Geisler and Ron Brooks
Chapter 2: Questions about God (p.15-33)
Argument from Creation
"There are two different forms of this argument..." (p.16)
Argument #G1: The universe was caused at the beginning (p.15-18)
1. The universe had a beginning.
2. Anything that has a beginning must have been caused by something else.
3. Therefore, the universe was caused by something else, and this cause was God. (p.16)
Argument #G2: The universe needs a cause for its continuing existence (p.18-19)
1. Finite, changing things exist.
2. Every finite, changing thing must be caused by something else.
3. There cannot be an infinite regress of these causes.
4. Therefore, there must be a first uncaused cause of every finite, changing thing that exists. (p.18-19)
Argument #G3: Argument from design (p.20-22)
1. All designs imply a designer.
2. There is a great design in the universe.
3. Therefore, there must be a Great Designer of the universe. (p.20)
Argument #G4: Argument from moral law (p. 22-24)
1. All men are conscious of an objective moral law.
2. Moral laws imply a moral Lawgiver.
3. Therefore, there must be a supreme moral Lawgiver. (p.22)
Argument #G5: Argument from being (p.24-26)
1. Whatever perfection can be attributed to the most perfect Being possible (conceivable) must be attributed to it (otherwise it would not be the most perfect being possible).
2. Necessary existence is a perfection which can be attributed to the most perfect Being.
3. Therefore, necessary existence must be attributed to the most perfect Being. (p.24-25)